Whether we have our own kids, consider our dogs our kids, or have both dogs and kids....our dogs are unquestionably part of our family and a big part of our lives. There is NO doubt....we LOVE our DOGS! It doesn't matter if your dog is a purebred with an impressive pedigree, adopted from a local shelter or rescue organization, or you found them on Craig's List they are part of the family and you wouldn't trade them! Although some of us (including me) might have threatened to, from time to time.
Dogs, like kids are unique. They come with their own personalities, dispositions, complexities and agendas. Some aspects of our dogs we wouldn't change for the world....then there are those....well, you know where I'm going with this! If you are here, chances are your dog has "some issues". Let's face it, most of us do, to some degree. (Some more glaring than others). There is a solution! And I am here not only to give you hope, but to let you know that even if you've tried other methods of training and have been unable to achieve the changes you desire in your dog, you are not destined to tolerate, endure, or accept the problems you are having today! Whether it's pulling on the leash during your walks, your dog threatening you, or any myriad of problems in-between, I am confident that together with commitment, love, the right tools and a balanced training approach... the dream of living a life of harmony with your dog is not only achievable, it is definitely within your reach!.
My love for dogs and the passion that has fueled this lifelong dream of working with dogs has taken me on a journey of learning, discovery, and beyond the classroom working with talented trainer's from both the U.S. and Italy with my own dogs, and ultimately landing me under two of the top balanced dog trainers in the country. After completing the "Train the Trainers" program taught by Sean O'Shea of "The Good Dog, and Jeff Gellman of Solid K9 Training, I realized I could do so much more than just teach the typical puppy training classes or recreational dog obedience classes. (Not to say that they are not relevant). What I have come to learn is that people are struggling so much so with their own dogs that aside from those people who make excuses for, and simply accept their dog's bad behaviors and continue to struggle, some studies show that about 30% of dog owners who give up their pets to shelters do so due to bad or perceived bad behaviors. Each year in the U.S. 1.2 million dogs are put to death. If I can do my part to help prevent even a fraction of this from happening, I am not only doing what I love, I'm preventing heartache and potentially saving lives. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing, honestly.
Dogs (like kids) not only look to us for guidance, they test boundaries and ultimately make choices based on what they've learned, experienced and what works for them. Everything from ignoring us to and including biting. What I believe and have learned from my own dogs and kids is that when structure, rules and strong leadership are lacking,they tend to make choices that are not always in their best interest, oftentimes exhibiting challenging behaviors with destructive outcomes. There is the occasional dream dog (or kid for that matter) that will thrive and be somehow balanced even in the worst of circumstances. Luckily for most of us, ours is by no stretch the worst of circumstances! I'm quite confident that whatever your struggles are with your dog, together, we can make some pretty big changes.
I also believe that most of us set out to provide the best home for our dogs. I also think that in our effort to provide a loving comfortable and good home, despite our best intentions, we unknowingly create unwanted behaviors in our dogs due to a lack of knowledge and a clear understanding of how dogs communicate.
If you are struggling with your dog and want to not only love them, but to enjoy your dog's true nature, create harmony in your home and become empowered by the most effective training tools that exist today, then get ready to transform your dog and change your life!
I do what I do for the love of dogs, and I would LOVE to help you and yours!!