First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Dog's breed, age, sex and weight
Is your dog spayed/neutered?
Select desired service
Board and Train
Day Training
One on One
Walk Doctor
Emergency contact name (if you are unavailable)
Emergency contact's number
(if you are unavailable)
Veterinarians name, address & number
Any important medical information, allergies or medications?
For safety reasons I require vaccination records. Please provide vaccination history
Is your dog house trained?
Has your dog ever been in a dog fight?
Does your dog growl, lunge or bark at other dogs, humans or children?
Has your dog ever bitten another dog, human or child?
Does your dog let you groom him/her or let you trim his/her nails?
Does your dog let you put on, take off collars?
Does your dog go into a crate?
Does your dog bark or growl in the crate?
Does your dog have accidents in the crate?
Does your dog react negatively to touching/petting?
Does your dog have separation anxiety?
Is your dog aggressive when you approach his/her food?
Is your dog aggressive when people try to take his/her toy away?
Does your dog growl when you try to move him/her off furniture?
Has your dog injured or killed small animals or have high prey drive?
Please check all that apply
Crate trained
Jumps fences
Destroys bedding
Invisible Fence Training
Pees in crate
Anything to add about your dogs behaviors? If your dog exhibits any aggressive behavior, please provide details regarding his/her behavior
What are your training expectations?
I am familiar with FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS training methods (prong collars and/or E-Collars, etc), techniques, programs and price. If not, please be sure to check out our SERVICES/RATES and FAQ.
How did you hear about us?